If you are reading this, I assume you are looking at SAP® solutions cloud migration and don’t actually want to fail!

We have combined our MATRIX cloud integration platform together with T-Systems cloud hosting and our joint SAP® solutions expertise to provide a complete solution for those who want to move SAP® solutions (together with associated integrations) to either a private cloud or a hybrid cloud infrastructure.
In doing so we’ve listened to the issues faced by many organisations and compiled a list of the top reasons why SAP® solutions cloud migrations fail to even get off the ground (pardon the pun!).

They include:

  1.  Difficulties with cost justification. Moving to the cloud is a serious project, but viewed over the longer period, there is usually a sound cost justification.
  2. Lack of a clear driver to make the move now. Many businesses have been adopting a “wait and see” approach, but as more and more business-improvement applications are being released as cloud-only, the time to move and take advantage of performance-improving technology is now.
  3. Issues with applications that cannot be moved to the cloud. Some businesses have legacy systems that simply cannot be moved to the cloud.  A hybrid solution is perfectly workable.
  4. SAP® solutions to non-SAP® solutions integration challenges. Most businesses have integrated SAP® software with other niche software products, and when it comes to migrating to the cloud, these do need a review.  MATRIX helps to simplify the process.
  5. Concerns about cloud reliability and securityCloud reliability and security is an exceptionally important topic for anyone considering a move to the cloud.  We can often prove that our cloud technology is in fact more secure than in-house managed servers.
  6. Questions over compliance with data protectionData protection laws have been updated to recognise modern cloud technology as a secure way to store personal data.
  7. Difficulties assessing which cloud platform is bestWith so many options, many find it difficult to choose the best option.  Our eBook provides some guidance.
  8. Problems creating a clear, easy to manage plan of actionOur eBook provides 3 options and an action plan for each.

To find out more about these challenges and learn about the strategies we use to overcome each one, download our comprehensive guide 8 barriers to moving SAP® solutions to the cloud – and how to overcome them